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Changelog 2022.06.10

Editing table properties with the docked properties editor.
Editing table properties with the docked properties editor.

Docked Property Editors

Have you needed a bit more space when editing properties of components (e.g. the .data property when filtering results of a data table)? Now you can open and edit multiple property definitions in a resize-able window at the bottom of the editor.

Color Picker + Eye Dropper Tool

Color picker with the eyedropper enabled.
Color picker with the eyedropper enabled.

Easily preview and select project theme colors, custom colors, or existing colors with the eyedropper tool. Eyedropper support will be added for browsers beyond Chrome and Edge as they release support for the Eyedropper API.

Programatic Toast Notifications

Triggering different kinds of toasts programmatically.
Triggering different kinds of toasts programmatically.

The browser resource now allows functions to programmatically pop toast messages. Toasts can be customized by type, duration, and whether or not they they have a button to dismiss the notification.

Custom Domains via CNAME [experimental]

If you’d like to host your Dynaboard application on a custom subdomain of your existing site, e.g. appname.yoursite.com, we’re looking for testers! Let us know by emailing support [at] dynaboard.com, and we’ll see if it’s the right fit.


Typeahead Support on Function Data Property

Typeahead returns results based on the function’s returned data.
Typeahead returns results based on the function’s returned data.

Autocompletion is now available on functions that return custom response data. Typeahead suggestions are available on the .data property of a function node.

This also works for nested arrays and map! So you should still see typeahead suggestions on an element when using a map like so: exampleFunction.data.map((element) => { element.autoCompletionSuggestion})

Note: If type ahead suggestions aren’t appearing, the function most likely must be called first. Clicking the “Test function” button or calling it in the console with with exampleFunction() will populate the results.

Chart Updates — Combo Charts

Updates to different chart properties including: axis title, legend, and dimension color.
Updates to different chart properties including: axis title, legend, and dimension color.

Charts now support combo charts using any mix of lines, bars, and scatter across multiple dimensions. In addition, we’ve updated a handful of configuration options for greater chart customizability including support for different left and right vertical axis scales.

Additional Updates

  • Text nodes support links as a render mode type and header spacing has been significantly reduced in the rendered markdown type.

  • Resources, functions, and events link to other resources, functions, and events they’re associated with in the properties editor to allow easy navigation between them.

  • Data tables support the resizing of columns & the ability to horizontally scroll.

  • $dynaboard has auto complete available in the native browser console.

  • Importing and exporting uses the filename / project name as the default name instead of using the UUID.

  • Robots.txt support has been fixed and you can customize it for your application.

  • The omnibar correctly updates search results when renaming components, functions, and resources.

  • We’ve updated the loading states in the portal on project creation and project selection to better show loading activity and prevent unintended behavior.

  • HTTP resources show proper path expansion when using binding expressions.

  • Toolbar dropdown menus in the editor no longer immediately close when moving the mouse outside the menu.

  • The native browser tool tip works correctly with the data table.

  • Trailing newlines in a data table expression no longer cause the displayed data to disappear.

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